I fredags så gick jag och mamma på bio och såg Familjetrippen vilket var ett jätte bra val för den var sjukt rolig! En av de bästa komedierna jag sett, if i say so... :) Kanske ingen komedi man ser med vem som helst eftersom den är lite extrem och extrema ord men väldigt fin, rolig och lite action... så man kan säga att den passar de flesta över en viss ålder
This is now one of my fave movies right now! really really good comedy!
I slept quite good friday night, I felt a bit happier after seeing this movie :)
Now I'm back in the dark place again, ofc, but it's nice to feel happy and just normal for a while at least
Today it's sunday and i have no idea what to do with this day, i don't really wanna meet anyone but i just don't wanna sit here and stare into the wall, i wanna move my thoughts into something else... maybe just watch some Bones.. don't know :/
I'm sick of this feeling, got tears behind my eyes all the time and it wants to come out all the time, my head is always thinking about stuff, making me feel like the worst person in the world... why am I like this? why do i ahve this personality? why am i not social? why am i not happy? why? why? why?
always got a lot of questions in my head too but none of them is getting answered...
I do hope all of you who reads this is happy and okay! I wish you all the best!