onsdag 30 april 2014

the sad part

I don't know what to do anymore
I try so much but i can't do it alone
we go different ways
you don't listen anymore
you do your thing and i do mine
my dream is for us to be a team
but we´re not

i feel lost
what is my next step?
i want to be full of life
i want to have a life
i want to be happy
i want to look forward to the next day
all i feel now is that everything is wrong
but i don't know where to go

I look forward to 1 or maybe 2 things right now
cause i know that i'll be happy then
i miss being happy
i just wanna feel that feeling again

all of this is making me mad
it's way to much in my head
so hard to escape

lördag 12 april 2014

Healthy me

I'm trying to get more healthy, to not eat to much at ones and eat more vegetables, just something that hit me the last week.. which is good, i guess, not that I was unhealthy before but I just wanna try to eat a bit more healthy than before

Go me!


torsdag 10 april 2014

choices, choices, choices

Nu har jag klarat av 3 veckors pluggande, gick rätt bra ändå, lite små jobbiga dagar men ändå väldigt mycket skratt. Klarade proven bättre än vad jag trodde också så jag känner mig väldigt stolt över mig själv

Att köra bil går också framåt., också där har jag mina små stunder då de inte känns lika bra och jag gör bort mig.. måste dock komma ifatt med teorin nu, ska försöka att träna lite mer nu när jag har praktik, får se hur de blir.. förhoppningsvis kan jag fixa körkortet nu i sommar, men jag försöker ta en dag i taget och så får vi se vad som händer och hur de ser ut

Nu är de praktik i 5 veckor, lite nervöst men förhoppningsvis blir det bra.. wish me luck!

AND I'm still trying to find a good site with nice shoes, black heels is what I'm looking for.. and I've found some cute dresses on a site that I love but I don't know if I should buy them all or just like 1 or 2 but which? AAAH it's so difficult


måndag 7 april 2014

Hanna, you know how it is

I'm sitting here in my sofa and I'm so tired... I feel empty on energy :/
Had a tough day at school, I got so tired that I even closed my eyes, tried to hide it as much as I could cause I sit infront of the teacher.. I just had to do it for a minute or two.. We had a test today again, it went better than I thought but still not so good :/  It was so hard! the best thing about having a test is that you get to go home after so I got home a bit earlier

I'm looking at a lot of clothes right now, found some amazing dresses at a site, I don't know if I should choose 1 or 2 or none or all of them x) I want all of them but I don't know if I wanna spend so much money, maybe I want to buy some shoes or some other clothes on another site, I haven't looked through them all yet.. Hmm.. I hate that I'm so stingy when it comes to these stuff and that I have decision anxiety :/  kind of mess it all up.. I wish I could just press buy button and feel nothing but happy ^^

I'm probably not gonna look at more clothes today, don't really know what to do... I feel so down :/
I know what I will end up doing and that is watching Breaking Amish and Pretty Little Liars,  lol

Hmm.. I wonder what I'm gonna eat while I'm watching it.. Didn't eat up everything I amde yesterday, suddenly I just couldn't so I have to do something light to eat today..  :/  we'll see

Take Care <3 bye

söndag 6 april 2014

Life makes a lot of turns

Don't really got anything to say

I'm not working for the moment, I'm studying to become a proffessional cleaner... a bit weird I know..
I'm doing good for now, it's just been 2 weeks, the first week was easy and the second a bit harder.. so we'll see

Wanna take my driving license soon too, but to study 2 things is a bit hard for a person who's got reallu hard to study on just 1 thing x) but hopefully I'll be able to take it this summer

I usually just watch Breaking Amish or Pretty Little Liars, if you see 1 episode you just wanna see more and I'm just a bit sick of reality right now so it's a nice escape

Hope you all who's reading this are doing good

Take care  <3