Yesterday was a special day, my baby girl is now a big girl... I just.. I can't belive it's been 6 years, I remember the day when she and her brothers were born like it was yesterday.. She was so small och so cute!! she's still cute but she's so big and hairy now, haha.. She was my baby girl from that day even though she's more of a baby girl now than when she really was a baby ^^ haha... She was so tough being with her big brothers, jumping around and just making stuff they shouldn't do ^^
Gonna spam you with lots of baby pictures... from when she starting to open her eyes til the day she got her big round eyes ^^ and she still sleeps like that like the picture over this text and if you look down a bit you see her lie on her back, well she still do that too, haha
Happy Birthday mums little angel <3

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