Tuff dag för en svagis som mig, har vart väldigt seg idag men ändå så gick/jogga jag med Aida två varv runt skogen :) men det blåste en del så det var inte så skönt....
Väl hemma blev det lite vila + käk + dusch och sedan ut en sväng med mamsen, var hemma vid 6 och jag var helt slut för dagen...har nu suttit och gjort en kör läxa jag skulle gjort för länge sen, woho!
Nu sitter jag bara och tar det lugnt, det är väldigt skönt men lite halft tråkigt som vanligt. Skulle kollat film men det tog en tid med läxan och nu känns det för sent att sätta igång en film, får ta det imorgon istället :)
Sometimes you feel invisible
You try to talk to a person
or do small things to keep you close
or do small things to keep you close
But you feel you get less back
It feels like that you do is just worthless
Like why should you keep on do it
The other person doesn't even notice
You want the person to ask you things
like "how was your day"
and "what's wrong"
when something isn't right
You want them to just call you once in a while
You want them to ask you what you're doing
You want them to stay awake for a little bit longer
what do they do?
well, they fall asleep, watch tv or something else
and when they say things like that
it just hurts, it feels like they don't really care about you
so, why should you care?
Next day they act like nothing has happend
even if they know that something did or didn't the day before
that just pisses you off, right?
why can they move on?
why don't they get a little mad if you do something a bit wrong
why do you feel like you do?
I don't know.....
I really don't know...
I always think like "why do I get so mad and sad"
but I don't have an answer to it
maybe the answer is that you just have so strong feelings
Maybe it is that simple!
I wonder......

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