måndag 7 januari 2013

You keep making me weak, yeah, frozen and can't breathe

This is a Pomsky.  It’s a mix of a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky.  Pretty much the most adorable little thing ever!

I both love and hate this movie! It’s the best movie ever but I can’t watch it because I cry to much, it hurts really much, such a sad pain….but the best movie ever, love the dog! god, i’m gonna cry just watching this pic..

That last pic is like the best movie ever! And it's the worst because I cry so much, especially at the end...Like look at him, he is so cute and yeah if you have animals you really get how sad it is when they get sick or old and dies...You love them so freakin much! and then you miss them....I love my 3 cats I have now but the years are going by so fast and they're getting old, I don't wanna lose them, I need them! I'm gonna break into small pieces when they die.... I love animals and I wanna keep getting them cause there are so many who needs love and a family but it's so hard loosing them...and still you wanna keep have them, loving them, get love back and then have a heart in thousands of pieces...it's sick but an animal is the best thing you can have, the best love you can receive <3

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