3 things I know I love is my dear cats. It doesn't matter what they do, my love for them is still so strong! They can't make me mad at them, they can't make me stop loving them...yes, they are annoying sometime but in the long run it doesn't annoy me. Two of them is sleeping in my bed now, two hairy balls, so cute!
Someone I always love is my mum and I know that she will never stop loving me and the best thing about her is that she belives in me! She is the only one that I feel belives in me and I really want to make her proved of me. I wanna be something not just for me, for her! I wanna do what I want and I wanna prove to people that I can! Cause I feel so worthless and weird, I don't feel that my own family belives in me...I'm just another failure. No i'm not!! I'm gonna do something with my life! I will do something with my life! If I have to be ego than alright, I will! I can't just sit here and not do anything, not for me and not for my mum!
- - - - - - - - - - Good Night <3

You are so right my sweetheart!! I belive in you and I always will!! I know you can and I will push you as long as I live!! I love you with all my heart whatever, whenever <3 <3 <3