Runt 7 imorse så flippa min katt ur och skulle ner i alla lådor och upp på en hylla i mitt rum. Det v'rsta är att han ger sig inte. Han har tom hävt ner en blomma redan. Jag blir helt tokig! Ska vell ta och ställa upp några böcker innan jag går och städar också.
I'm really trying to keep it up but sometimes you just need some space and some alone time. Thinking can be bad but sometimes you really need it. I think I'm there now. I need space and thinking time. My problem with my anger has really popped up now again. I can handle it meself but I wonder for how long I can. It's really annoying to get angry so easy. My life right now doesn't really help my anger now, etc I'm trying to get a paper from a teacher I had and she doesn't answer me and that is so annoying and I really, really need it! That's why I need some alone time.

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